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Speed Trap Page 2

  "Your turn to suck me,” he murmured.

  Libby moved her hand up and down the length of Keith's shaft, watching as his face contorted with each stroke. Lowering her head, she drew the aroused flesh into her mouth. Her lips tight, she sucked and stroked, her head moving in rhythm with her hand. Keith's body tensed at her assault, he drew in a sharp breath and grabbed the sheets. Moans escaped his lips but before he had the chance to come, he sat up and grabbed at her.

  "I ain't done with you, Libby.” He drew her into a gentle embrace and laid her flat on the bed beneath him. “You got to know something,” he said, his tone thick with longing. “This ain't all about me.” He placed a soft kiss on her lips and looked into her eyes. “You lie on your stomach now. I'll be right back."

  She watched Keith exit the room, glorious and shameless in his nudity. Her heart raced and her head felt light when he returned a moment later with a towel and bottle of massage oil.

  "I saw your bruises,” he stated. Her lip quivered at the memory of her hurt at Dwayne's hands. “Now roll over, sweetheart. Before we go any farther, I'm going to erase him from your body."

  More like an obedient child than a woman, Libby did as he commanded. Her head on a pillow, she closed her eyes as Keith massaged the warm, cherry-scented oil into her aching flesh. Each swirl of his fingertips, each gentle knead, each warm stroke bringing on a relaxation she hadn't known existed. Life had never been easy and a good night's rest was a distant memory.

  Keith touched her everywhere, her shoulders, neck, back, waist. When he reached her buttocks, relaxation fled and her desire for him returned. Rolling over, their eyes met as she said, “Keith, I don't know..."

  He smiled. “I do and as much as I want to be inside you, there ain't no hurry."

  "But there is,” she whispered. “I have never been with a man like you, a good man. Make love to me, Keith. Show me how it should be."

  Keith's eyes grew soft. Licking his lips, he kissed her again. He ran his slippery hands over her body and cupped her buttocks. Pulling her upward, he slid a pillow beneath her hips. “Are you sure?"

  She nodded and moved her legs apart to allow him to enter her. With care, he pushed himself into her pussy.

  "Oh, Libby,” he moaned. “You are so tight."

  Unable to control his lust any longer he began the rhythmic dance. Pumping her full of his large prick, he pleased her with every inch as it slid in and out of her. She bucked beneath him, eager to accept his desire and release her own. Her moans of pleasure loud in her ears, she let go of everything the past had done to her, determined to lose herself in this man. He continued his adept fucking and she felt as though she were the only woman in the world, feeling things she had never felt before, experiencing what lovemaking was supposed to be. She clawed at him, pulled him close to her, her legs wrapped around his waist. She couldn't get enough of him, his taste, his smell, his touch.

  "Fuck me good,” she murmured, her voice no longer her own. He possessed her. She opened her eyes to find him staring down at her, his lower lip tight between his teeth. His body quivered and as she came for the fourth time, he released his seed and shuddered. He panted and pulled himself out of her. Resting beside her, he smiled. “I am so damned glad I didn't arrest you today."

  Libby giggled and pulled the sheet over her nudity. “Me too,” she returned, breathless. “I'd take another beating to be loved like that."

  Keith's face grew grim. “Libby, no man has the right to hurt you.” He smoothed the hair from her face.

  She let out a humorless chuckle. “That needs to be written down somewhere, ‘cause I've not met a man yet who knows that."

  Keith brushed a kiss across her cheek. “Well, you've met one now."

  Libby snuggled beneath the quilt on Keith's bed, the soft sheets and downy pillow lulling her into sleep. Keith kissed her and rose.

  "I'm going to get supper fixed. You sleep and it'll be there when you wake up."

  "Do you have to go?” She reached for him.

  He smiled. “Don't worry, I'll be around. Got to feed the dogs and don't want the chicken to burn. Rest, sweetheart."

  He pulled on his jeans and shirt. She watched him, admiring his smooth movements, his form remarkable, as if he worked at his physique every spare moment. But it was his face that took her breath away. Hair tousled, features relaxed from the exertion of their lovemaking, he had gone from handsome to beautiful. How could someone so wonderful ever want someone like me?

  Chapter 3

  Libby's eyes fluttered open, the pale light of morning fell through the cracks in the blinds. Turning on her side, she found Keith sleeping next to her, his torso bare, fine stubble on his chin. Her gaze caressed his face and she felt as though she may cry. She knew she'd have to go soon but she was in no hurry to say goodbye. As if sensing her stare, Keith's eyes came open.

  "Good morning, Ms. Collins."


  He sat up and stretched. “I know you must be starving. When's the last time you ate?"

  "At the truck stop where I lost my wallet. Did you hear from anyone last night?"

  "Nope. I'll call after I get a cup of coffee in me. You want one?"

  She nodded and felt around the bed for her shirt. He tossed her a UT Volunteer t-shirt from his top drawer and she pulled it over her head.

  "My bottom half is still naked,” she informed him, tossing back the sheet to retrieve her discarded shorts and panties.

  "I know. I can see that. Mmm mmm, good stuff."

  She giggled and finished dressing before heading to the bathroom and her toothbrush. Looking at herself in the mirror as she brushed she was pleased at how rested she appeared. When was the last time she had slept this well? Been so fulfilled? She shook her head. It wouldn't do to get too attached to him. It was a fling, a one-time thing. This afternoon she'd be on the road and Officer Keith Davidson would be nothing more than a nice man who came to the rescue when she needed a hero.

  As she rinsed, she heard the phone ring. Keith answered it on the second ring.

  "Helllooo,” he said his tone chipper. “Yes, sir.” His voice changed from sweet Keith to Officer Davidson. “I understand. I'll bring her in. Yes. Yes."

  Keith stood by the bathroom door when she exited, his eyes filled with concern. “Dwayne Parsons has a missing persons report out for you."

  "Oh God. I should have known he'd drag his brother into this."

  "Apparently, a good Samaritan did turn your wallet into the Memphis police, three hundred dollars in cash, two credit cards, and your driver's license."

  Tears stung her eyes. “Lucky me."

  "How much money did you have with you?"

  "About that. Enough to get me to Carolina."

  Keith wrapped his arms around her and she buried her face in his chest. “Dwayne and his brother are up from Arkansas to take you home. They have a warrant for your arrest. Dwayne says you stole fifteen hundred dollars from him and that the GTO is his."

  "It was Granny's car,” she wailed. “I never took anything from him.” She clung to his shirt and sobbed. “I can't go back. Please, Keith, I can't."

  He ran his hands up and down the length of her back. “I'll be right there with you, sweetheart. Don't you fret. Those bruises on your body will be enough to gain sympathy from any self-respecting judge."

  "I'm not lucky, Keith. Dwayne will win, he always does."

  With gentle hands, Keith pushed her back and dried her tears. “Who'd you have in your corner then?"

  "No one."

  "Remember,” he said with concern. “I help out where I'm able."

  * * * *

  Keith escorted Libby into the police station. Libby's hands shook and her fingers grew clammy. The small building smelled musty and old. The sounds of computers and a failing air conditioner seemed loud in her nervous state and the fluorescent lights almost blinding. She stood back in the corner as Keith walked up to the brown paneled counter and spoke to the attractive redhead manning it.
  "Hey, Annie, where's Leon?"

  "He's in the back with those, uh, gentlemen from Arkansas,” she said quietly, but Libby could still hear.

  "Please take care of Ms. Collins while I go back and find out exactly what's going on."

  "Should I start processing her?” Annie asked, rummaging through a rickety file cabinet.

  Hearing those words, Libby stared at the exit, wondering how far she could get without Keith catching her.

  "No.” He shook his head. “That's premature. You use the Polaroid and get some photos of her abuse. She's pretty well beat up."

  Annie's eyes shifted to Libby's and in their depths, she recognized the unwanted pity. Annie unlatched the gate separating the ‘office’ from the waiting area. “Come with me, honey. We'll get you taken care of."

  Keith took Libby's hand and led her to Annie. “When you're done, run a check on the registration of this car.” He pulled a piece of paper from his pocket. “This has the license plate and VIN number. Should clear things up.” He winked at Libby. “No worries, sweetheart."

  Annie put a gentle arm around Libby's waist and led her through a pair of doors and into a small room. “Did you report your abuse while you were in Arkansas?” she asked, opening a closet and pulling out a digital camera and an instamatic.

  Libby shook her head.


  "That and my boyfriend's brother is the chief."

  Annie offered a sympathetic nod. “I'm going to take instant photos of your bruises for Keith to show to Leon and use the digital for our permanent records."

  Annie closed the door and Libby undressed, her dark bruises more apparent in the bright white light. Her upper arms, wrists, knees, thighs and buttocks photographed. Humiliated, she was relieved when Annie told her to get dressed.

  "I know how hard that was for you, honey.” Annie handed her a box of tissues. “I'm going to go get some papers for you to fill out.” Tears rolled down Libby's cheeks and a sob caught in her throat. Annie gave her hand a squeeze. “Everything will be all right."

  * * * *

  Libby stayed in the little room, pacing the small area much like a caged animal. Her heart pounded, stomach roiled and limbs shook. What is he saying about me? Why is he doing this to me? Why is this happening? Why, why, why? Tears spilled over and she bit at the dry skin on her lower lip.

  Annie soon returned with the paperwork. “I don't suppose this report will be worth the paper it's written on since the incident occurred in Arkansas, but it can't hurt either."

  Glad for the distraction, Libby answered Annie's questions. “What were the circumstances?” Annie asked.

  "You mean why did he hit me?"

  "Sort of. You can't know why he hit you but you need to tell me what was going on when he did."

  Libby took in a deep breath to steel herself. “A couple days before he hit me, I packed his bag and told him I was through with him.” Libby leaned against the wall, her eyes closed. “I walked in on him and my friend, Bev, going at it...” She looked at Annie. “You know what I mean?"

  Annie nodded.

  "He left but the next day at work he started calling and sending flowers. Two days later, he came back. He told me we'd never be over and he...” She broke down and all her anguish flooded from her core. Putting her hands to her face, she cried and for the first time since Granny's passing she allowed her grief to let go. Annie wrapped an arm around her and rubbed her back.

  "What did he do, honey?"

  "He tried to force me to..."

  "But he didn't?"

  "No, I grabbed my doorstop and hit him. It only stunned him but I got to my bedroom and locked the door. That's when I called the police.” She sniffled and allowed Annie stroke her hair. “By the time they got there he was pounding on the door, trying to get at me."

  "Did you file charges?” Annie asked, releasing Libby and looking into her eyes.


  Annie stared at her in momentary disbelief before her eyes widened and her lips formed an angry line. “That brother of his?"

  Libby nodded.

  "Well, that's wrong.” Annie stood. “I'm going to give this report to Leon and Keith.” Reaching the door, Annie turned to her. “Can I get you anything? Coffee, juice?” She bit her lip and narrowed her eyes. “I know what else I'm going to get for you. I'm calling my cousin Don Ridley, he's a lawyer. That ought to scare the crap out of those rotten bullies."

  * * * *

  Alone again, Libby proceeded to pace. After a few minutes, Keith entered the room. “How are you doing, sweetheart?"

  She shrugged her shoulders. “I don't know. You tell me?"

  "Annie's got a lawyer coming in for you,” Keith explained, his hands on the thick buckle of his uniform belt. “The registration for the GTO is still in your granny's name. He has no leg to stand on there. That leaves the question of the fifteen hundred dollars."

  "He doesn't have a job. Where would he get money like that?"

  "He's saying it was in a drawer in the trailer you shared."

  "I cleared out my savings account. I had four hundred twenty-two dollars and seventy-three cents.” She rummaged through her purse and pulled out a folded bank receipt. “You can see for yourself."

  "Okay.” He took the paper. “I think everything's going your way and we'll have you out of here by lunchtime."

  Drawn to him, she moved to where he stood. Their bodies so close now she felt electricity in the space between them. “How will I be able I thank you for all you're doing for me?"

  He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her lips. “I'm doing my job,” he whispered.

  A lump formed in her throat. “Is that all there is to it?"

  He cocked his brow. “After last night you have to ask me that?"

  "I do. Last night was wonderful, but you don't even know me."

  "That's true.” He nodded. “But let's get you out of this mess so I can know you better."

  "I wasn't just an eager piece of tail?"

  He chuckled. “Remember, you don't know me either."

  His words rang as soft and gentle as the look in his eyes. Without thought, she reached up and touched his cheek. “Maybe my luck is changing."

  "Maybe.” He grinned. “Let's take care of this and we'll see what happens."

  She rubbed her eyes. “What next?"

  "You need to talk to Leon,” Keith informed her, his voice low. “Dwayne and Chief Parsons are going to be present too. Will you be all right seeing them?"

  "Will you be with me?"

  "Sure,” he replied. “All you have to do is tell Leon what you told me."

  Ushering her out of the room and down a dark narrow hallway, he led her into Leon Bell's office.

  "Come in, Ms. Collins.” Leon smiled from behind his metal desk. She didn't know what she expected but Leon Bell was not it. Short, stocky, sixtyish with a thick head of gray hair, and large blue eyes. He looked more like an aged cherub than a chief of police. In contrast, Andy Parsons, big, burly, and bearded seemed the devil himself. Dwayne stood and made for her the moment she entered the room.

  "Where's my money, you thieving bitch?” His straight black hair clung to his stubbled chin and his brown eyes sparked with fierce hatred.

  "Sit down, Mr. Parsons,” Leon shouted. “Or I'll throw your ass in jail."

  Dwayne calmed and looked to his brother. “Do something, Andy."

  Andy glared at Libby. “Did you take his money?"

  "What money?” Libby asked. “I paid the bills, I bought the food, and I had the car. He hasn't worked in months. Where the hell would he get any money?"

  "I saved it doing odd jobs,” Dwayne protested. “And you said I could have the car if I worked on it. And I did."

  "I never said that.” She looked to Leon. “He's lying. I wouldn't give Granny's car to him. It's all I have left of her."

  Silence hung in the air and Keith faced Dwayne. “Can you prove she took your money?"

he sputtered. “I say she did, it's gone. She was the only one who coulda taken it."

  "Chief Parsons?” Leon inserted. “You have proof?"

  Andy's face grew red and his eyes bulged. “I have a warrant for her arrest, that's enough."

  Leon lifted a copy of the warrant from his desktop. Pushing a button on the intercom he said, “Annie, could you get this Judge Logan Michaels on the phone?"

  Andy grabbed up the warrant and balled it up in a meaty fist. “C'mon, Dwayne. We're going home."

  "But, Andy, what about my money?"

  Andy glowered at his brother. “Shut up."

  "Officer Davidson, will you show these fellows to their car?” Leon asked as he rose from his desk.

  Keith pulled open the office door and with a raise of his hand, guided them out toward the hallway. “If you'll come with me, I'll remind you of how to get out of this building. Hell, I give you directions out of town."

  Dwayne glared at Libby as he brushed past her. “I'll see you again. You can't get rid of me so easy.” When he reached Keith, he snarled, “You fuckin’ her?'

  Keith's jaw tightened, his eyes narrowing to angry slits.

  "She a great lay, ain't she? Such a tight little pussy."

  "You're disgusting, Dwayne,” Libby cried out before slumping into a chair and burying her face in her hands.

  * * * *

  When Keith returned to Leon's office a few moments later, a tall slender man with a boyish grin and pale blonde hair followed him. His suit coat draped over one arm and a leather briefcase was in the other.

  "I'm Don Ridley.” He set the case down and offered her his hand. “I understand you're having some problems?"

  Libby shook his hand and nodded. “Yes, but Chief Bell and Officer Davidson seem to have taken care of them."

  "Is that right?"

  "Yes, sorry to waste your time,” Keith said, rubbing his chin. “The mere mention of you seemed helpful though."