Speed Trap Page 3
Don lifted his case before looking to Libby. “Annie tells me this Dwayne character abused you?"
"Yes,” she replied, noting the concern in his green eyes.
"I would advise you to press charges."
"She can't do that,” Keith piped in. “The incident happened in Arkansas and Dwayne's brother is the chief."
"I see. Would you consider a law suit?"
A lawyer wanting to sue, go figure. “I don't want to see either one of those creeps ever again. I want to forget all this and start my new life."
"Okay.” Don nodded. “At the very least you should file a restraining order against him."
"What do you think about doing that, Libby?” Keith asked.
Libby shrugged. “Maybe when I settle somewhere.” She watched Keith for a reaction. In return, he looked at her. The spark between them filled the room and her nipples grew taut at his heated stare.
Leon cleared his throat. “You're leaving White Springs?"
Tearing her eyes from Keith, she sat there dumbfounded. “What? I'm sorry, Chief Bell."
"Never mind.” Leon chuckled. “Officer Davidson, you take the rest of the day off and try to talk Miss Collins into staying in our fine town."
"You sure, Boss?"
"I think you'll be able to persuade her."
Chapter 4
Keith walked Libby to his blue and white squad car, opened the passenger door, and shut it once she situated herself in the car.
"Will you stay with me today?” he asked as he slid behind the wheel. He set his gaze on her, his silver eyes intense.
She swallowed. “Do you want me to, or do you feel it's your duty to say that?"
He grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips before bringing it down to his erect prick. “I want you."
She pulled her hand away as if it burned. “Even after you met Dwayne? And all those things he said about me?"
"What, that you're a thief? I don't believe that for a minute."
"Don't you think I'm a slut?” Her voice trembled.
"No.” He arched a brow and curled his handsome lips into a smirk. “But he was right about one thing."
"What's that?” she asked, heat rising into her cheeks.
"You have one tight little pussy.” Sticking the key in the ignition, he turned over the motor. “What do you say? I want you to stay. I meant it when I said I want to get to know you better."
He put the car in gear and pulled out of the parking lot. “Maybe for a couple of days,” she replied.
With a grin, he turned on the siren and sped off down the highway.
"What are you doing?” she laughed and buckled her seatbelt.
"I'm having an emergency, sweetheart. I need to get you home to put out a fire."
* * * *
Keith could barely contain himself once he got Libby inside the cottage. “The whole time that fool was talking,” he whispered in her ear, “all I thought of was how generous you were last night."
Her stomach flip-flopped and she fell into him, her mouth seeking out his. Holding her tight, his lips worked hers, and he pressed his tongue into her mouth. Their tongues played upon one another, heightening her desire. She grabbed his head and pulled him close, so close that she could feel the racing of his heart against her bosom. Moving his hands from her waist, he traced the line of her body and slid his fingers beneath her cotton blouse. Taking her breast, he pushed aside her bra and stroked the nipple with his thumb. She threw her head back and moaned. Nibbling her exposed neck, fondling her with one hand, he cupped her ass with his other.
"You're driving me crazy,” she mumbled, grinding her hips against his hardened member.
"I want to do more than that,” he whispered. “I want to hear you scream my name. I want your cunt to squeeze me until I come."
Her eyes met his and her lips tingled as her breathing increased. “I like it this way,” she said. Unsnapping her denim skirt and kicking it and her panties to the ground, she positioned her hands on the back of the couch. “Frisk me, Officer."
He slid out of his navy blue uniform slacks and dropped his belt and holster in a pile before approaching her. Coming up behind her, he set his hands on her hips and patted her down. He slid his finger down one cheek of her ass and then the other. “Oh, what a weapon that is."
She groaned and felt moisture surge from her cunt. “I have a piece lower down. It's loaded,” she whispered.
"I need you to spread your legs,” he said, his voice gravelly.
She complied and he set his finger between her legs, massaging her clit, and sliding his finger into the folds of her generous lips. She shivered as he circled her hole before inserting his middle and index fingers into her wetness.
A groan escaped her and when he moved his fingers in and out of her, she began to rock against his hand. “Keith, I want you."
His hand on her back, he bent her over the couch. “I want you too.” Holding tight to her hips, he slammed his dick into her and she reveled in his passion. Each thrust, each withdrawal erasing the ugliness of the day and taking it farther and farther away. This moment is what mattered, knowing he wanted her, taking pleasure instead of only giving. With her hands on the couch she pushed against him, matching his rhythm with her own. He was deep inside her and she felt as though she might explode.
"Oh, Keith,” she called out his name. “Oh, baby, you are so good."
At her urging, he increased his momentum. “Tell me you like fucking me,” he ground out. “Tell me you want me to fuck your hot pussy."
"Fuck me,” she groaned as her muscles contracted. “I want you to fuck me hard. Oh, Keith!” she screamed. “Oh, oh, oh!” Her body let loose, wave after wave of bliss took over, and she experienced an orgasm like no other, so intense she feared her legs would give out.
His breathing matched hers, his grip on her hips becoming shaky. “Libby,” he moaned and slammed into her as he came. Pulling him from her, she shivered and turned to face him.
She touched his cheek, his skin sticky with perspiration. “How is it you're not married?"
He let out a humorless laugh. “I was.” His eyes bore the hurt of her reminder. “And I still would be but she's dead."
Libby tried to swallow but it was difficult as her throat went dry. “I'm sorry,” she gasped. “What happened?"
Keith kissed her forehead and pulled her into a warm embrace. “Not now, Libby. Maybe some other time, okay?"
Her arms around his trim waist, her head on his chest, she nodded and despite the closeness of their bodies, she felt him pull away from her.
* * * *
Libby and Keith ate lunch in silence. It was odd how less than an hour earlier they were enjoying a fuck-fest and now he couldn't look her in the eyes.
"I think after lunch I'll get my things together to go,” Libby said, circling the rim of her glass with her fingertip.
"You don't have to do that,” Keith returned, raising his eyes to her face.
"I should.” She pushed up from the table. “I'm grateful to you for all your help, but I've got a job waiting for me in North Carolina."
Keith stood and rounded the table, stopping when he reached her side. “Stay. I'm sure I can get you a job around here."
Libby tried to smile but her lip quivered and a tear stung her eye. “Why would you want to do that?"
"I don't know.” He shrugged. “I guess it's ‘cause you're the first woman I've been turned on by since Susan died."
Libby touched his arm.
He grabbed her hand and kissed her fingers. “You need my protection and I need to feel alive again."
"I make you feel that way?” she asked, her heart fluttering.
He didn't answer, his eyes boring into hers. She recognized the desire in the silver blue depths and her pussy trembled, eager to once again experience him.
"What kind of job?” she asked and took a deep breath in a vain attempt to squelch her own surging hormones.
"The elementary schoo
l needs a secretary, Harvey's Grocery needs a clerk, and the librarian needs an assistant.” He bent forward and placed his mouth to her ear. “Stay,” he whispered, the warmth of his breath stirring a fire deep in her abdomen. She leaned into him, his hard prick pressing against her. “Stay with me."
Her thoughts grew unclear as her own aroused body took control. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she looked him in the eyes. “You want me, you have me. Please, don't hurt me."
"I'll never hurt you,” he replied, and leaning forward he kissed her lips.
She melted into him and he responded by holding her tight. Lowering her face, she rested her forehead against his chest. For the first time in her twenty-three years, she felt safe.
Keith smoothed her hair and rubbed her back. “Why don't you go and take a nap? This has been one hell of a day for you."
"No, Keith,” she said and pulled away. Lifting her plate, she carried it to the kitchen sink. “I'll stay in White Springs, but I won't take advantage of you."
"I want you to stay. I like having you here,” he said and set his hands on his hips. “Besides, I don't know how safe it is for you to be on your own right now."
She poured orange-scented dishwashing detergent in the sink and turned on the water. “Why?” she asked, sensing his concern. “You don't think Dwayne will try something, do you?"
"I don't know.” He shrugged. “He has definite stalker potential. I would feel a lot better if you hung around here and let me keep an eye on things."
Washing her dish, she set it in the drainer, went back to the table, and began to clear it of the rest of the lunch dishes. “I'd want to pay my way,” she informed. “I'm no freeloader.” She grinned at him. “I attract them, but I ain't one of them."
"How about you be my housekeeper, earn your keep so to speak. When you get work, we'll talk about monetary costs of staying here."
Her eyes locked on his. “What about when we...” Her voice trailed off and her cheeks grew warm.
"Have relations?” He raised his eyebrows.
She nodded. “I am no whore."
"I didn't mean..."
She watched him closely, trying to read his thoughts. “We can't do that again until I pay my own way.” She wondered if she saw disappointment register in his face, but his eyes gave her no indication.
"Okay. I don't expect anything from you but,” he said, with a shake of his head, “if you feel the urge, I'll be more than happy to oblige."
Resting her back against the kitchen counter, she pursed her lips and raised a questioning brow. “Oh, Officer, I'm sure you would."
Chapter 5
Libby opened the sleeper sofa and began getting her bed ready. Keith carried fresh sheets, pillows and a blanket down the hall and set them on the beige recliner.
"You need anything else?” he asked, taking up the mattress pad and opening it over the bed.
"No thanks,” she replied, trying not to look at him. He wore nothing but a pair of burgundy pajama bottoms, his wavy hair wet from the shower and the scent of musky body wash clung to him. She had the desire to run her tongue from his ear to his navel. “You go on to bed."
"All right. I have to go into work tomorrow but I'm thinking maybe I'll take some vacation time. I want to see you settled in."
"You don't need to do that. I'm going job-hunting tomorrow. I won't be here anyway. I want to start earning as soon as I can.” She smoothed the mattress pad and reached for the pastel green bottom sheet. “I've worked ever since I was old enough to."
"Where are you going to look first?"
She shrugged. “I've worked retail. I suspect the grocery store will be my first stop. I can't type for shit so the office job is out.” Turning to him, she crossed her breasts with her arms, wondering if he saw the aroused state of her nipples. “I do love to read and wouldn't mind working in a library."
"I like the idea of Harvey's,” he informed her. “Jimmy Harvey is six foot five, three hundred pounds, and keeps a loaded pistol in his desk drawer."
"Really?” she asked. “Is he a linebacker?"
"Dwayne weighs all of one hundred seventy pounds. Jimmy could eat him for lunch."
Libby turned her attention back to making her bed, all the while her mind racing in the direction of seduction. What is it about this man? I get alone with him and all I want to do is fuck him. No, no, no. Remember your promise? Until you can stand on your own feet, you will not indulge. If this is to be anything but sexual, you need his respect!
"If you're sure you don't want my company?"
Her head snapped up from the chore. The smirk on his face boasted humor but his eyes flashed his true intent. She focused on the pillowcase. “I'm sure, Officer Davidson. Good night."
He stepped closer, his body outlined in the light from the floor lamp beside the sofa sleeper. Her body grew rigid, his nearness bringing heat to her face and setting her heart rate up a notch. She bit her lip. Control, Libby. You use self-control. He could be the one. Don't screw it up.
She tossed the pillow onto the bed and set her face forward, refusing to meet his eyes. “I'm tired, Keith. And as tempted as I am, I don't want to wake up in the morning kicking myself for not keeping my word."
"What do you mean?” His hands now rested on her shoulders, but they may as well been two tons of metal for she was trapped beneath them. His touch was more persuasive than any words or gestures. She wanted him. No one had ever treated her with more kindness and compassion.
"You know what I mean,” she stated in a near whisper.
"I know you think that if I make love to you that you're a..."
"Make love to me?” she asked. “How can you make love to me when you don't love me?"
His hands slipped from her body and he chuckled. “You're right. I'm pushing you. It won't happen again."
"I'm not saying I don't want it to happen again. I want it to be...” Her voice trailed off. She didn't have an answer.
"Look,” he sighed. “Last night and this morning were about loneliness. I'm not fool enough to think that we're in love.” He moved to the end of the bed and perched on the edge of the mattress. “Being with you was the first time I've been with a woman since Susan. I felt alive, wanted ... God dammit, I felt needed by another human being."
She lowered herself on the bed beside him. “I did need you. I needed to know that I was attractive and desired. That I could turn the head of a man as beautiful as you."
He leaned over and placed his head on her shoulder. “I guess we're both fucked up, huh?"
"Yeah.” She giggled. “But at least now we can be fucked up together."
* * * *
Libby woke at first light, showered, put on makeup, and dressed in a pair of black slacks and a silver gray blouse. She was nursing a cup of coffee and munching a peanut butter sandwich when Keith plopped down at the kitchen table.
"Morning,” Libby chirped. “Want something to eat, some coffee?"
"Coffee,” Keith grumbled, his elbows on the table, his head in his hands.
"You sleep well?” she asked as she filled a blue F.O.P. mug with the steaming black liquid.
"Yeah, but it didn't feel long enough."
"Cream and sugar?"
She served him his coffee before taking her seat and lifting her sandwich to her lips. She scanned the newspaper for jobs but the process took less than five minutes. The paper was as small as the town.
Keith sipped the coffee and as the caffeine entered his system, he began to perk up. “You going to talk to Jimmy Harvey today or do you want me to talk to him first?"
"I'd prefer you didn't speak to him on my behalf. I'm starting a new life here and I want to be in charge of it.” She swallowed the last bit of her coffee and washed her dish. “You sure you don't want anything to eat?"
He shook his head. “No, I'm going to finish this.” He pointed to his cup. “And head to the gym."
"Good.” She kissed the top of his head and walked down the
hallway. Once in his room, she leaned against the wall. Her insides quaked, her legs felt weak and her heart raced. How am I ever going to keep my hands off him?
Moving to the bed, she proceeded to straighten the sheets. For the first time she noted the décor of the room. Pale blue walls, white trim, antique dresser with spoon carved embellishment, simple bedside table of a lighter wood and then she saw it. Really saw it. How had she missed the ten-by-thirteen gilt-framed photo of Keith and Susan on their wedding day? The picture demanded attention with its predominant display over the headboard of the bed. He must have put this up since my arrival. The realization stung her senses and her stomach roiled.
Young, handsome Keith, dressed in black slacks and a white dinner jacket. His hair long and pulled back in a ponytail. Susan, a petite blonde with large green eyes smiled lovingly up at her new husband, her creamy white gown clinging to her slender body. They were beautiful. Her heart tightened and a lump formed in her throat. How is it I am jealous of a dead woman?
With effort, she pulled her eyes from the portrait and finished making the bed. She gathered up dirty clothes, started a load of laundry, and began a shopping list. All the while Keith readied himself for the gym. When he emerged from the bathroom, his eyes sparkled and he smiled.
"Wow, you're good. You've done more this morning to get this house together than I do all day."
"It's my job,” she remarked, squelching the notion of asking him about the photo. What right do I have? He's known me two and a half days. She was his wife.
"That's your choice,” he replied, his hands on his hips. “I thought I'd compliment you. If you can't take one of those, that's a sad statement.” That said, he plopped down on a kitchen chair and started to put his tennis shoes on. “I'll be at the gym for a couple hours and then off to work. Want to meet for lunch?"
Running her finger over the back of one of the chairs, she stared at the grain of the wood. “No, I don't know what I'll be doing at lunchtime. Maybe in the middle of an interview."
"Okay. I'll see you tonight.” He popped up from the seat and moved to where she stood. Pulling a set of keys from his sweatpants pocket, he handed them to her. “There's a house key for the front door here and the keys to my GTO. I want you to drive it."